I looked at magazines such as Smash Hits and NME to help me come up with ideas for the layout of my front cover. I also looked at fashion magazines when it came to deciding on the pose for my model. I looked at pop stars such as Pixie Lott and what poses she used when modelling in magazines.
The changes that I made were in the fonts and colours within my front cover. Originally I had a white background with a black font, but decided that the pink font would suit the genre more. I used Photoshop to create my front cover. Specifically, I used the magic wand tool to cut out the image of my model to ensure that I didn't have any unecessary background.
Feedback from other students helped me decide on the price of my magazine, colour scheme and image. I took a number of pictures in my photo shoot and asked my target audience which one was their favourite. This helped me choose my final front cover image. I chose pink as my background because my target audience is female and in a questionnaire that I conducted, the majority favoured bright colours.
My magazine shows belief in the pop genre through the feminine colours, the masthead being
Pop Gospel, and the image of a teenage blonde girl, which represents the target audience.
My magazine represents one main social group: teenage girls, through the fonts, colour scheme and images.
My magazine conforms to steriotypes because it is a typical girly magazine.